In carcere Communis est. Riflessi del carcere e della carcerazione nella documentazione medievale bolognese (seconda metà XIII-prima metà XIV secolo)


  • Maddalena Modesti Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna



Prison, Medieval Documents, Bolognese Notaries, Ars Notariae, Diplomatics, Handwritten Sources, Court Annexes


This paper aims to offer a contribution to the history of the prison in Bologna in the Middle Ages, by examining some traces related to the prison within the Bolognese notarial documents from the second half of the 13th century to the first half of the 14th century. Through an extensive review of handwritten sources, of a predominantly but not exclusively judicial nature, which has been accompanied by a preliminary exploration of the doctrinal production of some of the most important Bolognese masters of ars notariae, from Ranieri da Perugia to Pietro Boattieri, an attempt has been made to capture the emergence of new interpretations and functions assigned to the prison in the society of the time.



How to Cite

Modesti, Maddalena. 2022. “In Carcere Communis Est. Riflessi Del Carcere E Della Carcerazione Nella Documentazione Medievale Bolognese (seconda Metà XIII-Prima Metà XIV Secolo)”. DNA – Di Nulla Academia 3 (2). Bologna:48-80.



Body: Humors, balms, poisons and monstra